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Mastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction: Regular expressions, commonly known as regex, are powerful tools for pattern matching and text manipulation. In the world of JavaScript, regex plays a crucial role in handling strings efficiently. Whether you're validating user inputs, searching for patterns in text, or manipulating strings, a solid understanding of regex can greatly enhance your programming skills. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of regex in JavaScript, exploring its syntax, usage, and advanced features. Table of Contents: 1. Understanding Regular Expressions:    - Definition and Purpose    - Basic Components: Metacharacters, Quantifiers, and Character Classes    - Literal Matches vs. Metacharacters 2. Creating Regular Expressions in JavaScript:    - Literal Notation vs. Constructor Function    - Flags: g, i, m - Global, Case-Insensitive, Multiline    - Escaping Special Characters 3. Common Metacharacters and Their Usage:    - `.` (Dot): Matching Any Character Except
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