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Showing posts from December, 2019


Introduction :-   Node.js  is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. Typically, JavaScript is used primarily for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a webpage's HTML and run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the user's web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write Command Line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content  before  the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, unifying web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts. Though  .js  is the conventional filename extension for JavaScript code, the name "Node.js" does not refer to a particular file in this context and is merely the name of th